"God is Spirit, and those who worship Him, must worship in spirit and truth."

Our Mission:

Our mission is to bring all churches together on one platform to continually offer God a sacrifice of praise, worship the King of Kings, and express the Word of God through music, instruments, lyrics, cultures, diversity, and global young talent such as children, youth and adults to extend the Kingdom of God and multiply discipleship to experience God’s presence.

Our Vision:

Christ Studio is committed to worshipping God for He is worthy to be praised. Christ Studio believes that creative music worship connects nations, mends gaps, heals souls and experiences God’s presence.

Our Key Ojectives:

  • To worship God through innovative, creative, and energetic music, lyrics, instruments, and harmonies
  • To assessable all churches from East, West, South, and North, accepting diversities, cultures, values, and styles of worship to sacrifice God through The Christ Studio.
  • To encourage and share opportunities with youth, children, and choirs to perform with zeal and freedom.
  • To promote young talent through The Christ Studio.
  • To uplift marginalized and oppressed children, youth and adults.
  • To make a difference in the lives of children and youth.
  • To collect life-changing testimonies.